Innovative traffic services of the future
Modern mobility is based on the interoperable idea. Smart and efficient use of already existing data as well as the provision and generation of new mobility data form one of the central tasks of our development work.
Future traffic services will also serve to transport people and goods, as they have in the past. However, future transport services will also transport data: for preparing the transport, for the optimal execution of the transport and, in the end, also for evaluating the transport performance. Physical transport networks such as road and rail and data networks are converging; only “data-based transport services” will make it possible to link individual car traffic, cabs, buses, and local and long-distance rail traffic into end-to-end transport chains (“Mobility 4.0”).
We are playing an active role in this important task for the future. We cooperate with various modes of transport, universities and IT companies. We actively shape the future on behalf of our customers, but also by developing our own transport concepts!
Diverse in motion.
Digital control, command and signalling
The DB Netz AG rail network is currently operated with over 2,600 interlockings, historically with different interlocking types. These have evolved over time. Mechanical, electromechanical and the now advanced electronic interlockings reflect the current designs.
The future will be characterized by the digital interlocking, which will make an advanced contribution in terms of reliability and economy. In the future, the digital interlocking will form the heart of the digital control, command and signalling (CCS) system and thus the basis for modern railroad operations with significantly higher capacities.
Enable constant
forward movement.
EULYNX interface standardization
The European digitization initiative EULYNX defines and standardizes the interlocking interfaces of the future train control, command and signalling (CCS) system. A model-based system development approach (MBSE) is used to specify the system and functional requirements of the railroad system.
The EULYNX MBSE Specification Framework enables seamless top-down description of the abstract solution of a railroad system at different levels of granularity and from different perspectives. Executable state machine diagrams of the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) form the basis for the creation of virtual prototypes.
To ensure that the specifications produced are correct, unambiguous, complete, and consistent, we use MBSE to specify system requirements using semi-formal and formal methods and to verify and validate the requirements in the specifications.
Validation and formal verification of security requirements provide a high level of reliability and efficiency. In addition to EULYNX, we are involved in other European standardization and innovation projects in the railroad sector. These include Europe’s Rail, Shift2Rail, OCORA and Linx4Rail.
Our tools and methods comply with the CENELEC standard EN50126.
Through our activity in the EULYNX initiative, we support the expectations of policymakers and society by making our contribution to climate protection, improving punctuality, and promoting interoperability.
rail operations
Mobile communication standard
of the railroad
The discontinuation of the GSM-R radio standard, which is currently still in use, presents railroad companies with a number of challenges. A transition to the new FRMCS (Future Railway Communication System) standard will enable a wide range of new applications and contribute to the goals of increased capacity and improved punctuality. However, the migration path from old to new is not yet clear. The massive leap in technology to IP-based mobile communications must be mastered. In addition, new business models need to be designed that take into account the increased number of radio sites and are based on realistic assumptions regarding the lifetime of systems.
We can provide important guidance in this complex environment through our active participation in projects in which various technical and economic solutions are being developed. In addition, project management and active support of developments are also part of our tasks.
Be networked.
And always ready
to collaborate.
Automatic Train Operation (ATO)
Safety, efficiency and sustainability are a particular focus in the development of autonomous driving. To support ATO (Automatic Train Operation), new mobile communications standards are needed for the railroads so that data based on these values and in addition are available in real time.
Together with partners from the mobile communications segment and with infrastructure managers, we are actively working on new technical and economic solutions in the areas of development and project management. We are helping to identify new business models that take into account the increased number of radio sites and are based on realistic assumptions regarding the lifetime of systems. A transition to the new FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System) standard enables a variety of new ways to achieve the goals of increased capacity and punctuality.
Within the projects, we are also working on projects for the architecture conception of the connection of TMS (Traffic Management Systems) to the CCS as well as on the further development of the system components of the ATO. References in this field are EULYNX – Modelling & Testing of CCS interfaces (e.g. SCI-ILS), the ATO project (WP1 to WP5) with TAURO (Technologies for Autonomous Rail Operation) and the national research project Multi-Path (in cooperation with Siemens and Thales), which deals with GSM-R succession and cloud solutions for national and international applications of ATO over ETCS. All results of our work in the ATO projects for autonomous trains (WP1 to WP5) with TAURO (Technologies for the Autonomous Rail Operation) are applied in “Europe’s Rail”.
Increase efficiency.
Promote sustainability.
- test analysis
- test execution
- test management
- test data management
- test automation
- test documentation
Recognizing and exploiting synergy effects.
Test and quality assurance
In the field of testing and IT quality assurance we support projects according to the ISTQB® standard.
Our goal is always a transparent, documented and traceable test and acceptance process. In order to design an efficient test and acceptance process, we use standard market tools as well as individually developed tools.
Development of individual software
The analysis of large amounts of data is very time-consuming. Effective tools are required here to ensure that the quality of the messages and their reliability can be proven in the analysis processes for the communication between the system components.
We support the complete software development process within the scope of software development. The goal of our development of individual tools is the acceleration of the analysis, test, acceptance and maintenance processes during the introduction and operation of new IT systems.
PCAPng NetTrafficAnalyser
To support projects in the context of digital control, command and signalling (CCS) system, our analysis tool of network recordings in PCAPng format, developed for the customer, helps to evaluate and document the communication between systems and system components. The relevant information can be conveniently filtered. The teams are supported in the evaluation of the communication recordings as well as the verification of the correctness of the communication.
The primary goal is to increase efficiency when introducing new systems and components in projects with a high volume of technical communication via standard protocols (e.g. TCP/IP, UDP, Ethernet via LAN, WLAN) and via specialist protocols (e.g. railroad technical protocol, RaSTA).
Technical project management
The digitization of rail infrastructure will enable unused capacities in freight and passenger (or rail) transport to be utilized in the future. Standardization at national and European level also promotes interoperable and cross-border traffic. The technological leap is an important component for more flexible and capacity-optimized driving and also relieves traffic.
We are actively shaping the digitization of rail infrastructure – both nationally and internationally. Our expertise here is primarily in operational project control and complementary project management consulting services.
Enjoy trust.
Assume responsibility.
Support services for
planning training and data centers
Digitization is made up of a large number of different technologies. This includes technical and operating sites, data centers and training sites. In the development and planning of these buildings and their facilities, Neovendi provides significant support in project development as well as in process support.
Interface management also plays a central role here. The professional coordination of various trades such as fire protection, building infrastructure and security, taking into account the sometimes high technical detail requirements, is the basis for the successful implementation of these demanding construction projects.
Solve problems.
sustainable. competent.
International cooperation
With our activities in qualification and prequalification tasks for digital control, command and signalling (CCS) systems we support international railroad infrastructure companies in fulfilling the requirements as a supplier in the field of the new CCS for Germany. By developing qualification content, we convey our know-how of system architecture and digital interlocking logic. We accompany implementation projects in order to deepen the teaching contents on practical examples and impart knowledge in all forms of standard communication interfaces (SCI-ILS, -LS, -LX, -CC, -P, -TDS, -RBC, -IO) up to the development level.
For us, teamwork is the driving force behind our creativity. We attach particular importance to a high degree of topicality. We are firmly involved in the development of new CCS products and interfaces and are therefore always at the cutting edge of technology.