DRC23 Annaberg-Buchholz

Neovendi is the main sponsor and supporter of the Digital Rail Convention 2023.

Category: News

Neovendi also gave its own presentations at this year’s Digital Rail Convention.

As an innovative development company and supporter of digital control and safety technology, Neovendi contributed its expertise to the event and introduced its own projects. In presentations and discussions, we explained how our activities and mobility concepts will shape the future of rail transport. Concrete and ongoing project examples were also highlighted. As sponsor of this important event, Neovendi emphasised its commitment to innovative and sustainable mobility solutions on the track. The constructive dialogue with experts and partners was an enriching experience and provided new impetus for the further development of the company's own projects. Neovendi will continue to play an active role in this innovation network and at the test field in Annaberg-Buchholz. We would like to thank the organisers, especially the SRCC team, for the successful event and the new insights gained there.


– Neovendi GmbH

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