Working meeting of the project and construction management team in Kalkar
Tag: News 2
5G4Rail as a pioneer for modern railway operations (ETCS, ATO)
Final workshop in October 2024 for 5G4Rail in Annaberg Buchholz. What is 5G4Rail? 5G4Rail is investigating how the 5G mobile communications standard can replace the…
EULYNX deployment cluster face to face workshop in Stockholm
At the last face to face meeting in Stockholm, the Neovendi team was able to realize and demonstrate further successes in the implementation of EULYNX…
We support active cooperation.
As a new sponsoring partner of the tennis club ‘TC Blau-Weiß Rees’ in our home region on the Lower Rhine, we want to promote community…
Telecommunication Tests in Scheibenberg
As part of the X2Rail-5 WP3 activities, a European Shift2Rail project, we were on the road in the Erz Mountains for two test campaigns on…