
We have won!

4th BMDV Startup Pitch: Digital solutions for structural change in lignite mining areas

Category: News

We won the 4th BMDV Startup Pitch of the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport with our project “MINOS”, developed in cooperation with DB Netz AG and DB Systel GmbH.

A wonderful success. Tim Kliemann participated very successfully today with the two guys Marco Scalese and Nikolas Hofmann of the Maintal Fire Department in the 4th BMDV Startup Pitch. In cooperation with DB Netz AG and DB Systel GmbH we won with #smartmobility and #opendata with our project #MINOS. With this, we want to use an example to significantly improve deployment planning for the fire department and other road users. We are now looking forward to realizing our joint success with the help of funding from the mFUND. A very interesting article with great pictures and a nice video about the "BMDV Startup Pitch" has been published on the website of the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport. Here is the link immediately to the article:


– Neovendi GmbH

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